Monday, March 23, 2020
Trabajo 4 Bimestre Essays - DraftCarmen Herrera,
Trabajo 4 Bimestre Ana Christina Vos Garcia de Alba 2B N.L #24 Materia: Redaccion Maestra: Carla Rivero Fecha de entrega: 20/04/16 7480300top 3460099000 Aun lo recuerdo como si hubiera sido ayer, todavia puedo revivir la emocion y felicidad que senti ese dia. Tenia yo 3 anos y vivia en Holanda. Es dificil pensar que han pasado mas de 12 anos y que la experiencia sea aun tan tangible en mi mente. Era pleno verano, la mejor temporada en Holanda. Consideremos que en Holanda por casi 10 meses al ano hace frio y que la mayor parte del tiempo llueve. Pero al llegar el verano toda la gente y los lugares se transforman. Las personas se visten con ropa mas ligera y colorida, las mujeres finalmente muestran los pies al caminar en sus sandalias, los hombres permanecen felizmente por horas sentados tomando una cerveza en una de las muchas terrazas que los restaurantes abren en esta temporada ; todo mundo es feliz, todos incluyendo hasta los ninos. A bandonamos nuestro capullo para convertirnos en hermosas y alegres mariposas! Llevaba dias esperando este gran dia. En mi mente de 3 anitos no parecieron dias, parecieron interminables meses, pero al fin habia llegado el gran momento. Ese dia iria junto con mi prima Linde al mas increible parque de atracciones de toda Holanda, el Ef teling , un parque como ningun otro que lleva existiendo desde 1952 con algunas modificaciones claro. Lo que distingue a este parque de cualquier otro es que todo el tema gira alrededor de las fabulas y fantasia Ya llevabamos horas en el parque, disfrutando de cada momento, y de repente mi prima Linde y yo vemos a Pardoes a lo lejos. Gritamos las dos, y corrimos hacia el. Mis tios, papas de mi prima Linde, con quienes fuimos en esta ocasion al parque, apenas si nos podian seguir el paso. Corrimos, lo abrazamos y nos regalo a cada una un globo que conserve por meses hasta que se desinflo por completo. Pardoes se arrodillo, me abrazo y en ese momento mis tios nos tomaron la foto a mi prima y a mi . Oh, que gran momento. Si pudiera describir la felicidad con una foto, esta seria la foto elegida. En la imagen destacan unos globos amarrados a un un palito blanco que teniamos en la mano mi prima y yo. Los glob os tienen la cara de Pardoes , el personaje tematico del parque, que es un duende que va vestido como arlequin, trae puesto una especie de vestido color rojo, y a la cintura trae amarrado un gran cinturon color marron, sus zapatos son rojos y terminan en forma puntiaguda, trae un collarin en el cuello de color amarillo con picos y de este van colgando unas borlitas , el sombrero que trae es color rojo, es de gran tamano y tiene colgado 3 campanas que suenan cuando este camina. Su cara se caracteriza por unos ojos muy grandes y abiertos de forma ovalada , una sonrisa amplia y unas chapas muy rozadas. Teniamos 3 anos aproximadamente mi prima y yo, ella es tan solo 6 meses mayor que yo, y siempre fuimos muy unidas y buenas amigas. Nuestro caracter es muy diferente, pero precisamente esto hace que nos complementemos perfecta mente desde chiquitas. Fisicamente mi prima era gera con pelo lacio y corto, yo con pelo marron y chino. En la imagen t engo puesto un overol de mezclilla con un bordado de Minnie M ouse, combinado con una playera y tenis rosas. Mi prima trae un pantalon rosa claro , una playera con rayas blancas y rosas, y unos zapatos de color negro. Detras sale Pardoes abrazandonos par a tomar nos la foto. Se pueden ver al fondo unos adoquines de color rojo oscuro, que eran el suelo. Resaltan las caras que teniamos mi prima y yo de felicidad, y gusto al tomarnos una foto con e l unico e inigualable Pardoes . Grandes sonrisas y colores forman esta imagen que tan buenos recuerdos me trae. Ese dia termino, de seguro acabamos rendidas y dormidas en el trayecto a la casa, pero con memorias que permanecerian por siempre con nosotras. Los anos pasaron y e sta pasada Navidad del 2015
Friday, March 6, 2020
SPS 032 Growing My 8-Figure Business With a Book with Ryan Deiss
SPS 032 Growing My 8-Figure Business With a Book with Ryan Deiss SPS 032: Growing My 8-Figure Business With a Book with Ryan Deiss 2 SharesRyan Deiss has taken email marketing, sales funnels, and creating and selling products to another level. He is the founder and CEO of DigitalMarketer which is a premier online community for anyone marketing online. Ryan and his team have invested over $15,000,000 on marketing tests, have generated tens of millions of unique visitors, sent over a billion emails, and have run over 3000 split tests. Today, Ryan shares his marketing expertise as we talk about his book the Invisible Selling Machine which is all about email marketing and is also based on a product that supplies marketing email templates. Ryan shares how a book is a great tool to jumpstart a business and the importance of having a back end in place. He also used a unique webinar concept to test the title and write the book fast. Ryan shares how he and his editor collaborated and then how he edited everything to make sure it was in his voice. He also shares insights into marketing, writing, and being an effective ent repreneur. Â You can find Ryan here: DigitalMarketer Ryan Deiss LinkedIn @RyanDeiss Twitter Ryan Deiss facebook Invisible Selling Machine Books by Ryan DeissShow Notes [01:49] Ryan feels that books are timeless because people get it. Ryan wrote The Invisible Selling Machine because he had something to say and there werent a lot of books about this topic. [03:27] The book is great as media and a lead generation tool. A book isnt a business, a book jump starts a business. [04:15] After the book Ryan had the next step which was The Invisible Selling Machine template product. The concept stands alone and that information is the foundation of the book. [04:59] Even though he had a course on the topic, writing the book took a lot of effort. Ryan had to think through how to teach the concepts. [06:21] Ryan created a webinar and split tested titles to get the title for the book. The webinar bullet points were on the back of the book. [07:16] He wanted the story in the webinar to create a foundation and then share the result. Then he wrote a step by step and addressed objections and it turned out to be a good format for a book. Ryan had an editor that helped turn the webinar into the book, then Ryan rewrote a lot of it. [10:49] How its important for a book to stand on its own and not just be a disguised sales letter. [15:15] The importance of turning a glance into a stare with a title and subtitle. [15:45] How Ryan accidently sent the wrong cover to the editors and how the printer messed up on the first print. He was so disappointed to see his first copies looking so bad. He had 10,000 copies and was able to use them for a free promotion with paid shipping only. [24:13] Ryan has total control over his book and he uses it for marketing purposes that he controls. [24:56] His book has produced millions of dollars of revenue for him and he owns all of it. He doesnt want to have to buy from a publisher to use his book as a tripwire. Although, someday he may go the trad itional route. [26:14] One of the biggest issues with using a publisher is the timeline. If you take your advance and put it back into the campaign it would be effective, but 12 to 18 months is a deal killer. [29:03] The importance of having a funnel in place before you public the book. There needs to be steps in between like additional training or mini-classes. [30:39] He also made a quick optional upsell video. It was passive, but it performed well. [32:24] Having a permission based micro commitment upsell. [33:54] The thank-you page had another video which also gave away free videos. Which are used as a perpetual launch. He is also driving facebook ads to the book which will always sell because of the backend. [37:02] For immediate revenue it came from the Secret Selling upsell. The 30 and 60 day revenue was trumped by The Machine. [38:43] Ryan uses that money to put back into the campaign to get subscribers for Digital Marketer Labs. You have to reinvest money if you want to grow. [40:11] People want new products. With a membership, you can deliver the new without selling the new. [43:00] People join membership groups to have a community. [44:57] How Ryan hired key people who are responsible for his membership even a dedicated community manager for the facebook group. [48:23] How the team tracks campaigns to make sure they are effective. How a $500 buy on facebook ads is a good risk. Its hard for Ryans team to justify a funnel that goes past 90 days. Â [50:47] The importance of the cost of customer acquisition and customer lifetime value. Looking for ways to maximize the value of the customer. [52:39] The dangers of big companies getting too comfortable and dying a slow death. [53:13] How Ryans business isnt a launch centric business. [54:24] How having subscription revenue and ongoing sales and products is so much safer than the launch model as the sole method of selling.
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