Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Essay To Play or Not to Play - 536 Words
To Play or Not to Play Three seconds on the clock. This is the moment the team has been waiting for. Deep breathes, in and out. Desert Vista is up by two and this three point shot could win Mountain Pointe Pride baskeball team state championships! Suddenly, he gets a vision. All the hard time spent studying with his teachers, being benched failing. He is thankful for all the hard time his teachers and mentors have put in to help him succeed. He releases the ball just as the buzzer goes off. Silence. Fans gasp in awe. There is an uproar from the crazy, fanatic fan filled audience. He has won the 2013 Arizona State Championships! He sends up a silent thanks to his parents and coaches. Mountain Pointe students should be receive annual grade†¦show more content†¦These teenagers learned that although sports are fun and exciting, it can be taken away very easily. Although that was a good lesson, there is another great point. Students need to understand that slacking and barely ge tting by is not acceptable in the real world. Colloges look gor outstanding, achieving students. These stdents need to maintain a 3.5 gpa to be considered to be accepted in to the school of their choice. They are not going to ear acceptance with below average grades. Another reason would be the work force. In order to get a great paying job, there must be college credentials. Without it they will be stuck at a low paying job without benefits. High school is the blue print for an affective and successful life. Growing up is inevitable, success is a choice. Although others may believe this strategy is to set them up for failure, it is not. That is entirely not the point. It is doing the opposite. This outstanding plan is setting students up for success. They may feel it is not fair. However the will be grateful their thought was incorrect when they see it worked in their favor. Mountain Pointe student shoukd recioever annual grade checks and maintain a 70% or above to learn a life les son, get a reality check and to prepare them for life. Education is the key to success. Without passing grades students wll not be able to participate in school sports. There comes a time in a life where growing up is no onger anShow MoreRelatedThe Structure Of The Play A Play820 Words  | 4 Pagesthe story through a play. A play is a basic unit of theatre. Plays are not considered â€Å"things†they are events with action surrounding a conflict. Written plays have existed for 2500 years. There are two primary ways to understand plays, according to genre and structure of the play. Genre is the plays type, the two major genres are tragedies and comedies but there are an infinite amount of other genres as well. The structure of the play is how the action of a play is structured, alsoRead MoreChild Development : Play And Play885 Words  | 4 Pagesvariety of ways to engage in play. 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(Smith, 2013) (Saskatchewan Ministry of Education, 2010) While playing, children are gaining creative skills for creative developmentRead MoreImportance of Play1008 Words  | 5 Pages The Importance of Play ECE 430 Early Childhood Education Capstone Prof. Sublette Jennifer Bentley November 28, 2011 The Importance of Play Play is one aspect that is common in every child’s life. The importance of play for children is huge. It is so much more than a recreational activity for them. Play is essential for children; it contributes to healthy child development cognitively, socially, and physically (McFadden, 2010). Because of this, it is vital for parents, caregivers, and educatorsRead MoreThe Action Of The Play1233 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"The action of the play is set in Chicago’s Southside, sometime between World War II and the present;†A Raisin In The Sun extinguishes any idea that women are or should be only housewives (Hansberry 1457). 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Effectiveness Of The Influenza Vaccine - 1984 Words
Effectiveness of the Influenza Vaccine Blake Olson and Eric Nietzel-Leone October 16, 2014 EBP Paper Draft #1 A Paper Presented to Meet Partial Requirements For NRSG 497 Research Methods in Nursing Southern Adventist University School of Nursing It seems like everywhere you go you are reminded that it is that time of the year. Just a short drive around town it is evident that flu shots are encouraged everywhere one looks. From medical personnel to store checkouts one finds themselve bombarded with the question, â€Å"Have you gotten your flu shot yet?†Anyone and everyone is a candidate for the flu vaccine according to local pharmacies. (and many people are buying into this mantra). Millions of Americans will receive the flu vaccination without a doctor’s note or regard to any underlying conditions. The only question asked is, â€Å"Can you roll up your sleeve for me?†Many blindly receive the flu vaccine without question and assume that it is effective without factual knowledge. In the healthcare system it is a requirement to get vaccinated, unless one wishes to be sectioned off and forced to wear a mask during work. Mandatory vaccinations have been enacted among some employers pushing employees to rece ive the vaccination. This is despite their views, concerns, or questions in regards to the safety and effectiveness of the flu vaccination. There is much debate over whether the pros outweigh the cons in regards to inoculation. In an age whereShow MoreRelatedInfluenza Vaccines And The Flu Vaccine1519 Words  | 7 PagesInfluenza Vaccines Summary This paper explores published works related to patients who received the flu vaccine who were sixty-five years and older. The evaluated articles examine the effectiveness the flu vaccine had on the patient population of sixty-five years and older in relation to avoiding the flu and pneumonia diseases and hospitalizations, in this group of patients. It has been conceded for years that senior adults age sixty-five and older are at greater risk from an influenza illness andRead MoreThe Science And History And Development Of The Influenza Vaccines1737 Words  | 7 Pages Introduction Influenza vaccines, also known as flu shots, are vaccines that claim to protect against influenza. The extent to which the influenza vaccine reduces the risk of disease under controlled conditions is known as the vaccine s efficacy. The testing of vaccine efficacy is quite stringent and involves Phase I, II, and III trials. Two of which, are double-blinded placebo controlled trials. Influenza adapts, and mutates such that is never the same from year to year, and therefore makingRead MoreCenter For Disease Control And Prevention Essay1072 Words  | 5 PagesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015, December 28). â€Å"Journey of your childs vaccine.†Retrieved from child-vaccine.html. 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Vaccine effectiveness is measuredRead MoreVaccination Controversy : Immunization Controversy1257 Words  | 6 Pagesthe actual vaccine, and the other receives a placebo. Within this study, vaccine efficacy is also measured by comparing the frequency of the illness in the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups. When the Observational study is performed, it’s important to remember that it’s totally upon the individual to whether or not they prefer to be vaccinated; however this study is quite different from the RCT study, this study focuses on vaccine effectiveness instead of efficacy. Vaccine effectiveness is measuredRead MoreNursing Students And Influenza Awareness1491 Words  | 6 PagesNursing Students and Influenza Awareness The Influenza vaccine is a vaccine in which can be very beneficial to anybody especially if they work in the healthcare field. Nursing Students in particular have a high chance of getting this virus since they are going to be in contact with many patients on a daily basis. Therefore it is very important that they consider in receiving this vaccination not only for themselves, but also for their patients safety. Studies have shown that there are a lot ofRead MoreThe Flu Shot: Why Do I Need to Get It? Essay1568 Words  | 7 PagesThe Flu Shot To get the flu vaccine or not to get the flu vaccine? This is a huge controversial question millions of Americans today ask themselves every year. There are many myths that come along with the topic of the flu vaccine that lead to people questioning the effectiveness of the medication. Safety for our families and loved ones is what we aim to achieve, but what are the pros and cons of this vaccine? What are the consequences and what are myths, but most importantly: what are the reasonsRead MoreViral Infection: Influenza or Flu Essay1475 Words  | 6 PagesInfluenza or flu is a rather contagious viral infection that infects the respiratory tract. Fever, cough, muscle aches, fatigue, rhinorrhea, and sore throat are the symptoms commonly associated with influenza virus. Individuals infected with influenza normally experience mild illness and recover within two weeks. However, specific groups, such as the elderly, young children, and individuals with co-morbidities, appear more suscep tible to severe illness as well as mortality due to influenza relatedRead MoreA Research Study On My Annual Flu Vaccination1042 Words  | 5 Pageseffects these vaccines could have on their children. This lead me to my quest on finding whether or not vaccines hurt society more than they helped. The first step I took in my expedition was increasing my understanding of vaccines and how they functioned. Luckily, since my major is microbiology, I have taken some courses that have given me a foundation to understanding vaccines. By simply googling how vaccines work, I found the CDC’s article thoroughly explaining the fundamentals of vaccines. BasicallyRead MoreSample Resume : Influenza Virus Vaccine918 Words  | 4 PagesWriting Assignment: 01 Proper Name: Influenza Virus Vaccine Trade name: FLUCELVAX ®1 Product Sponsor: Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, Inc.1 Regulatory milestones: 1) BLA submission: November 22, 20111 2) First pre-BLA meeting: July 31, 20071 3) The original BLA submitted in February 2009 was withdrawn to include the results of the clinical endpoint study.1 4) Second pre-BLA meeting: December 15, 20101 5) BLA Approval: November 20, 2012 Pharmacologic Class: Vaccine Introduction and description
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Principles of Sustainable Operations
Question: Discuss about the Principles of Sustainable Operations. Answer: Introduction: Stay Together hotel chain consists of ten hotels which includes Sydney Boutique Hotel, APX Darling Harbour, Devere Hotel, Arts Hotel, Abey Hotel, Sydney Harbour Bed and Breakfast, Song Hotel Sydney, Hotel Bondi and Vulvcan Hotel. Recently, all these ten hotels are starting a business in a combined way in order to gain competitive advantage in the market as the market is full of tough competitors and this particular hotel chain will provide the lowest price accommodation to the customers. There are various types of services and various kinds of accommodation the Stay Together hotel chain is trying to provide to their customer starting from low price accommodation to luxurious suites. is the website from where the customers will be able to book the rooms in the Stay Together hotels at cheap prices and the rates will only differ during the peak seasons. The customers will also be able to book the hotel rooms from the mobile application of Stay Together hotel and there are som e decisions which has been finalized by the senior management for the better performance of the hotels which includes loyalty schemes to the customers, exclusive restaurant charges, rebates on choosing of a particular airline and also corporate social responsibility which will include donating 1% of the bill to the charity. As there is very much competition in the Australian Hotel Industry, due to the lower prices that are offered by various hotels to attract the customers (Ladhari, 2009). Ten hotels, the names of which are mentioned above have come together in order to form a joint hotel business which will cater throughout the world and will provide their services to the customers. The key for providing the services to the customers and some decisions has been finalized, which will include the following things as mentioned below: Customer Loyalty Scheme: Customer Loyalty is very significant for any kind of business and with the help of the customer loyalty schemes, the businesses are able to develop satisfaction among the customers and retain customers of the organization (Han and Ryu, 2009). Hotel industry is one industry for which the customer loyalty schemes are very significant and with the help of the customer loyalty schemes, hotel industry can retain their customers which makes the customers to book the hotel rooms again and again when they visit the place as discounts are provided to the customers and also the customers feel safe and secure as a good and cordial relation is maintained with them (Dominici and Guzzo, 2010). The customer loyalty scheme will also be introduced in the Stay Together hotel chain and with the help of the customer loyalty scheme; the hotel will be able to provide attractive discounts to the customers and also other facilities that can also be provided to the customers. With the help of the customer database, Stay Together will be able to keep the record of the customers who visits the hotel for more than once in a year and the discounts on booking of the customers can be provided with the help of the booking application to the customers. The discount can be provided on the final bill and also the customers can be offered with free pickups from the airport or railway station. Under the loyalty scheme to the customers, the booking of the hotels in cheap prices can be provided to the customers and also they can be offered with free stays for one or two nights on their birthdays or on some special occasions like their anniversary or so on (Gee et al., 2008). Under the loyalty sche me to the customers, they can also be allowed to keep their car parked in the parking space of the hotel room for free of cost. The choice privilege can also be allowed for the customers who are loyal towards the Stay Together hotel chain and the loyal customers will have the priority to book the hotel rooms according to their choice and preference before the normal customers of the hotel. Stay Together hotel chain can also provide discounts to the customers who are visiting the major cities of the world and by providing discounts to the customers they can attract a lot of customers as the hotel rooms in the major cities are very costly and the customers always looks for accommodation in the cheap hotel rooms. By this way, they can provide a tough competition to their competitors in the market and can also provide a tough competition to the chained hotel businesses that are there in the country since a long time (Xie and Chen, 2014). The loyal customers of the Stay Together hotel can also be provided with free site seeing facilities for the loyalty they show towards the hotels and thus the hotel chain will be able to gain loyalty of the customers and also competitive advantage in the market. Free Breakfast and dinner: The planning of the Stay Together hotels will be done in such a way that the customers will be served with free breakfast and dinner as per their choice of foods and also as per availability. The breakfast will be served to the customers and the menu will include various items such as sandwiches, salads, soups and so on in the food section while the beverage section will include tea, hot chocolate, milk, coffee and so on. This will all be served at the hotels of Stay Together which includes a kitchen in order to earn an extra dollar per customers and so that the hotel is able to make profit form this activity. But there will also be some restaurant facility in the hotels of Stay Together which will be designed as exclusive and the customer have to pay extra money for the purpose of having a dinner or breakfast at those restaurants. With the help of the term Free breakfast and dinner more number of customers will be attracted towards the Stay Together hotel chain and they can be satisfied with the help of serving quality foods. Also maintenance of hygiene in the restaurants is significant for the purpose of serving the customers with good quality food (Ryu and Han, 2010). When the customers will hear that Stay Together is providing the customers with free breakfast and dinner the customers will be automatically be attracted towards the restaurant and this will help the hotel chain to earn an extra dollar per customers for the purpose of providing them with free foods which can be included with the hotel billing. Including the charges of the breakfast and dinner in the charges of the hotel room will somewhat compel the customers to have breakfast and dinner from the hotel this will allow the hotel to earn extra money. The customers in the present world are attracted towards ignoring the hotel restaurants and goin g out for a walk while completing dinner or breakfast from outside the hotel. This particular scheme introduced by Stay Together hotel will compel the customers to spend an extra dollar for their foods and will also increase the revenue of the hotel. The scheme for providing rebates to the customers of the organization is also a strategy to keep the customers attracted towards the organization and this particular scheme will help the organization to gain the customer loyalty (Legrand et al., 2016). Customer loyalty is an important thing which helps the organization to maximize their revenue. Revenue maximization is significant for any kind of businesses and maximizing the revenue will help Stay Together to earn competitive advantage over the same businesses of the industry. Rebate in the simplest form in the hotel industry is refund that is provided to the customers for the purpose of using a specific service. So, with the help of the partnership with the Qantas Airways of Australia, Stay Together hotel chain can launch this rebate program where the customers will be offered free meals for the purpose of travelling through Qantas Airways. Stay Together hotel will also be able to provide the customers with free night stay for the customers that are arriving with the help of Qantas Airway at night and free stay during the day time for those customers travelling during the day time and the charges will be taken from the next morning in case of night arrival and charges will be taken from night time if the arrival is during the day time. The customers for the purpose of saving costs will take benefit of this scheme introduced by Stay Together and they will be able to chose either they receive free meals for one day from hotel or receive free of cost stay fo r a night or day. For the purpose of receiving discounts and free stays under this scheme, the customers will also be able to show the tickets related to the airline they are travelling and if the airline is Qantas Airways, the customers will be provided with rebates. The Stay Together can also make a bond with the Qantas Airways for the purpose of rebate as it will increase the customers of the Qantas Airways as well. So, 10-15% of the ticket fare per customers who are staying in Stay Together Hotels under this particular scheme can be charged from the Qantas Airways by Stay Together hotel chain. Thus, Stay Together will be able to increase the satisfaction of the customers and this scheme will help to increase the customers to get free meals and free stay. This scheme will also help the hotel chain to strengthen the partnership with Qantas Airways. Corporate Social Responsibility: Every business of all kinds works in the society and the society helps the businesses to run in a free style. Society is one of the main stakeholders to the organization, contributing to the free running of the business. So, for the purpose of free running of the business in the society, the business too has some responsibility towards the business. Some businesses donate towards the charity while some businesses maintain the cleanliness of the environment under the activities of corporate social responsibility (Lindgreen and Swaen, 2010). Also, some budget needs to be allocated for the purpose of corporate social responsibility in order to give back to the society in which they are conducting their business. The CSR activities of the hotels consist of improvement of the environment in which they are operating and also donating money to the poor people of the society. It can also include towards building up of dustbins in the area where they are operating in order to reduce the pollution or it can include optimum utilization of the resources for the purpose of saving the resources that are limited in nature. The businesses can also help the society by implementing hospitality activities in the society where the hotel is located. Among the corporate social activity of Stay Together hotel chain, the hotel can think of providing donations to the charity. As the hotel will be present in many countries of the world, they can get a high profit on the billing done by them and the decisions from the senior managers have been taken to donate the money in the charity by contributing 1% of the total amount that will be earned from the customers billing. In a year, there will be many customers that will visit Stay Together and the billing amounted to them, 1% of it will be provided to the NSW Wildlife Information Rescue and Education Service, which is a charity located in Australia. The donation to the charity will help the organization to conduct their business in the environment freely and will also keep the society satisfied with the help of donations that they are making to NSW Wildlife Information Rescue and Education Service. This particular charity mainly focuses on to save the endangered species of animals and f ocuses on the life of animals and saves the animals from exploitation (, 2017). Thus corporate social responsibility towards the environment can help Stay Together to conduct their business in the world and will also gain the customer trust for the purpose of donations towards the charity. Conclusion: From the discussion above, in the conclusion of the assignment it can be said that due to the increasing amount of competition in the hotel industry, partnership in the form of running a hotel chain is profitable for the organizations and Stay Together Hotel Chain can help themselves by running the hotel chain with the help of various decisions that has been mentioned above. References: (2017).WIRES Australian Wildlife Rescue Organisation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 May 2017]. Ladhari, R., 2009. Service quality, emotional satisfaction, and behavioural intentions: A study in the hotel industry. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 19(3), pp.308-331. Han, H. and Ryu, K., 2009. The roles of the physical environment, price perception, and customer satisfaction in determining customer loyalty in the restaurant industry. Journal of Hospitality Tourism Research, 33(4), pp.487-510. Dominici, G. and Guzzo, R., 2010. Customer satisfaction in the hotel industry: a case study from Sicily. Gee, R., Coates, G. and Nicholson, M., 2008. Understanding and profitably managing customer loyalty. Marketing Intelligence Planning, 26(4), pp.359-374. Xie, L. and Chen, C.C., 2014. Hotel loyalty programs: how valuable is valuable enough?. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26(1), pp.107-129. Ryu, K. and Han, H., 2010. Influence of the quality of food, service, and physical environment on customer satisfaction and behavioral intention in quick-casual restaurants: Moderating role of perceived price. Journal of Hospitality Tourism Research, 34(3), pp.310-329. Legrand, W., Sloan, P. and Chen, J.S., 2016. Sustainability in the hospitality industry: Principles of sustainable operations. Routledge. Lindgreen, A. and Swaen, V., 2010. Corporate social responsibility. International Journal of Management Reviews, 12(1), pp.1-7.
Principles of Sustainable Operations
Question: Discuss about the Principles of Sustainable Operations. Answer: Introduction: Stay Together hotel chain consists of ten hotels which includes Sydney Boutique Hotel, APX Darling Harbour, Devere Hotel, Arts Hotel, Abey Hotel, Sydney Harbour Bed and Breakfast, Song Hotel Sydney, Hotel Bondi and Vulvcan Hotel. Recently, all these ten hotels are starting a business in a combined way in order to gain competitive advantage in the market as the market is full of tough competitors and this particular hotel chain will provide the lowest price accommodation to the customers. There are various types of services and various kinds of accommodation the Stay Together hotel chain is trying to provide to their customer starting from low price accommodation to luxurious suites. is the website from where the customers will be able to book the rooms in the Stay Together hotels at cheap prices and the rates will only differ during the peak seasons. The customers will also be able to book the hotel rooms from the mobile application of Stay Together hotel and there are som e decisions which has been finalized by the senior management for the better performance of the hotels which includes loyalty schemes to the customers, exclusive restaurant charges, rebates on choosing of a particular airline and also corporate social responsibility which will include donating 1% of the bill to the charity. As there is very much competition in the Australian Hotel Industry, due to the lower prices that are offered by various hotels to attract the customers (Ladhari, 2009). Ten hotels, the names of which are mentioned above have come together in order to form a joint hotel business which will cater throughout the world and will provide their services to the customers. The key for providing the services to the customers and some decisions has been finalized, which will include the following things as mentioned below: Customer Loyalty Scheme: Customer Loyalty is very significant for any kind of business and with the help of the customer loyalty schemes, the businesses are able to develop satisfaction among the customers and retain customers of the organization (Han and Ryu, 2009). Hotel industry is one industry for which the customer loyalty schemes are very significant and with the help of the customer loyalty schemes, hotel industry can retain their customers which makes the customers to book the hotel rooms again and again when they visit the place as discounts are provided to the customers and also the customers feel safe and secure as a good and cordial relation is maintained with them (Dominici and Guzzo, 2010). The customer loyalty scheme will also be introduced in the Stay Together hotel chain and with the help of the customer loyalty scheme; the hotel will be able to provide attractive discounts to the customers and also other facilities that can also be provided to the customers. With the help of the customer database, Stay Together will be able to keep the record of the customers who visits the hotel for more than once in a year and the discounts on booking of the customers can be provided with the help of the booking application to the customers. The discount can be provided on the final bill and also the customers can be offered with free pickups from the airport or railway station. Under the loyalty scheme to the customers, the booking of the hotels in cheap prices can be provided to the customers and also they can be offered with free stays for one or two nights on their birthdays or on some special occasions like their anniversary or so on (Gee et al., 2008). Under the loyalty sche me to the customers, they can also be allowed to keep their car parked in the parking space of the hotel room for free of cost. The choice privilege can also be allowed for the customers who are loyal towards the Stay Together hotel chain and the loyal customers will have the priority to book the hotel rooms according to their choice and preference before the normal customers of the hotel. Stay Together hotel chain can also provide discounts to the customers who are visiting the major cities of the world and by providing discounts to the customers they can attract a lot of customers as the hotel rooms in the major cities are very costly and the customers always looks for accommodation in the cheap hotel rooms. By this way, they can provide a tough competition to their competitors in the market and can also provide a tough competition to the chained hotel businesses that are there in the country since a long time (Xie and Chen, 2014). The loyal customers of the Stay Together hotel can also be provided with free site seeing facilities for the loyalty they show towards the hotels and thus the hotel chain will be able to gain loyalty of the customers and also competitive advantage in the market. Free Breakfast and dinner: The planning of the Stay Together hotels will be done in such a way that the customers will be served with free breakfast and dinner as per their choice of foods and also as per availability. The breakfast will be served to the customers and the menu will include various items such as sandwiches, salads, soups and so on in the food section while the beverage section will include tea, hot chocolate, milk, coffee and so on. This will all be served at the hotels of Stay Together which includes a kitchen in order to earn an extra dollar per customers and so that the hotel is able to make profit form this activity. But there will also be some restaurant facility in the hotels of Stay Together which will be designed as exclusive and the customer have to pay extra money for the purpose of having a dinner or breakfast at those restaurants. With the help of the term Free breakfast and dinner more number of customers will be attracted towards the Stay Together hotel chain and they can be satisfied with the help of serving quality foods. Also maintenance of hygiene in the restaurants is significant for the purpose of serving the customers with good quality food (Ryu and Han, 2010). When the customers will hear that Stay Together is providing the customers with free breakfast and dinner the customers will be automatically be attracted towards the restaurant and this will help the hotel chain to earn an extra dollar per customers for the purpose of providing them with free foods which can be included with the hotel billing. Including the charges of the breakfast and dinner in the charges of the hotel room will somewhat compel the customers to have breakfast and dinner from the hotel this will allow the hotel to earn extra money. The customers in the present world are attracted towards ignoring the hotel restaurants and goin g out for a walk while completing dinner or breakfast from outside the hotel. This particular scheme introduced by Stay Together hotel will compel the customers to spend an extra dollar for their foods and will also increase the revenue of the hotel. The scheme for providing rebates to the customers of the organization is also a strategy to keep the customers attracted towards the organization and this particular scheme will help the organization to gain the customer loyalty (Legrand et al., 2016). Customer loyalty is an important thing which helps the organization to maximize their revenue. Revenue maximization is significant for any kind of businesses and maximizing the revenue will help Stay Together to earn competitive advantage over the same businesses of the industry. Rebate in the simplest form in the hotel industry is refund that is provided to the customers for the purpose of using a specific service. So, with the help of the partnership with the Qantas Airways of Australia, Stay Together hotel chain can launch this rebate program where the customers will be offered free meals for the purpose of travelling through Qantas Airways. Stay Together hotel will also be able to provide the customers with free night stay for the customers that are arriving with the help of Qantas Airway at night and free stay during the day time for those customers travelling during the day time and the charges will be taken from the next morning in case of night arrival and charges will be taken from night time if the arrival is during the day time. The customers for the purpose of saving costs will take benefit of this scheme introduced by Stay Together and they will be able to chose either they receive free meals for one day from hotel or receive free of cost stay fo r a night or day. For the purpose of receiving discounts and free stays under this scheme, the customers will also be able to show the tickets related to the airline they are travelling and if the airline is Qantas Airways, the customers will be provided with rebates. The Stay Together can also make a bond with the Qantas Airways for the purpose of rebate as it will increase the customers of the Qantas Airways as well. So, 10-15% of the ticket fare per customers who are staying in Stay Together Hotels under this particular scheme can be charged from the Qantas Airways by Stay Together hotel chain. Thus, Stay Together will be able to increase the satisfaction of the customers and this scheme will help to increase the customers to get free meals and free stay. This scheme will also help the hotel chain to strengthen the partnership with Qantas Airways. Corporate Social Responsibility: Every business of all kinds works in the society and the society helps the businesses to run in a free style. Society is one of the main stakeholders to the organization, contributing to the free running of the business. So, for the purpose of free running of the business in the society, the business too has some responsibility towards the business. Some businesses donate towards the charity while some businesses maintain the cleanliness of the environment under the activities of corporate social responsibility (Lindgreen and Swaen, 2010). Also, some budget needs to be allocated for the purpose of corporate social responsibility in order to give back to the society in which they are conducting their business. The CSR activities of the hotels consist of improvement of the environment in which they are operating and also donating money to the poor people of the society. It can also include towards building up of dustbins in the area where they are operating in order to reduce the pollution or it can include optimum utilization of the resources for the purpose of saving the resources that are limited in nature. The businesses can also help the society by implementing hospitality activities in the society where the hotel is located. Among the corporate social activity of Stay Together hotel chain, the hotel can think of providing donations to the charity. As the hotel will be present in many countries of the world, they can get a high profit on the billing done by them and the decisions from the senior managers have been taken to donate the money in the charity by contributing 1% of the total amount that will be earned from the customers billing. In a year, there will be many customers that will visit Stay Together and the billing amounted to them, 1% of it will be provided to the NSW Wildlife Information Rescue and Education Service, which is a charity located in Australia. The donation to the charity will help the organization to conduct their business in the environment freely and will also keep the society satisfied with the help of donations that they are making to NSW Wildlife Information Rescue and Education Service. This particular charity mainly focuses on to save the endangered species of animals and f ocuses on the life of animals and saves the animals from exploitation (, 2017). Thus corporate social responsibility towards the environment can help Stay Together to conduct their business in the world and will also gain the customer trust for the purpose of donations towards the charity. Conclusion: From the discussion above, in the conclusion of the assignment it can be said that due to the increasing amount of competition in the hotel industry, partnership in the form of running a hotel chain is profitable for the organizations and Stay Together Hotel Chain can help themselves by running the hotel chain with the help of various decisions that has been mentioned above. References: (2017).WIRES Australian Wildlife Rescue Organisation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 May 2017]. Ladhari, R., 2009. Service quality, emotional satisfaction, and behavioural intentions: A study in the hotel industry. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 19(3), pp.308-331. Han, H. and Ryu, K., 2009. The roles of the physical environment, price perception, and customer satisfaction in determining customer loyalty in the restaurant industry. Journal of Hospitality Tourism Research, 33(4), pp.487-510. Dominici, G. and Guzzo, R., 2010. 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Sunday, December 1, 2019
New Eye Tracking Techniques Improve Realism Of Aircraft Essays - Eye
New eye tracking techniques improve realism of aircraft simulators A simulated flight environment for pilot training may soon be made more realistic through the use of eye-tracking technology developed by researchers at the University of Toronto's Institute of Biomedical Engineering (IMBE). Many safety and cost benefits are obtained by training aircraft pilots under simulated conditions, but to be effective the simulation must be convicingly realistic. At present, the training facilities use large domes and gimballed projectors, or an array of video screens, to display computer-generated images. But these installations are very expensive and image resolution is low. Further, it would take an enormous amount of addi to improve image quality significantly throughout the whole viewed scene. However, based on the visual properties of the eye, realism can be obtained by providing a high-resolution 'area of interest' insert within a large, low-resolution field of view. If the image-generating computer 'knows' where the pilot's fixation is, it mage there. The technology to make this possible was developed by a research team headed by Professor Richard Frecker and Professor Moshe Eizenman. The work was carried out in collaboration with CAE Electronics Ltd. of Montreal with financial support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Their eye-tracker can record and analyze accurately up to 500 eye positions per second. The system works by means of capturing and processing the reflections of a low-level beam of invisible infra-red light shone onto the eye. Multi-element arrays capture the image of the eye and digitize the information, which is then processed in real time by a fast, dedicated signal processing unit. The difference in position between the ligh tre of the pupil reveals the instantaneous direction of gaze. Developments by the IBME team have significantly increased the speed of signal processing in addition to enhancing accuracy of eye position estimates. Eizenman believes that "these improvements make our eye-tracker very effective in monitoring the large G-force environment where the pilot tends to make larger eye movements because of contraints which exist on movements of his head". In a new generation of aircraft simulators, under development by CAE Electronics Ltd. of Montreal, a head tracker which tells the direction of the pilot's head is mounted on top of the helmet. The eye tracker is mounted on the front of the helmet, and is ll exactly where the pilot's eye is fixating. Frecker said that "successful integration of our eye tracker into the novel helmet-mounted CAE flight simulator would result in a new generation of simulators that would likely replace the current large domes and cumbersome video display units." Initial tests of the integrated system will be carried out in collaboration with CAE Electronics at Williams Air Force Base in Arizona later this year. Contact: Moshe Eizenman (416)978-5523 Richard Frecker (416)978-2236
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